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Is the world becoming secular Lesson 1

Is the world becoming secular Lesson 1

This is for teachers who are teaching the challenge of secularism for developments in Christian Thought. This is for A level religious education OCR. It evaluates whether the world is becoming secular.
Religion Causes Harm to the Mind Lesson 2

Religion Causes Harm to the Mind Lesson 2

This is for teaching the challenge of secularism in developments in Christian Thought. It considers Freud and Dawkins approaches about how religion and religious belief harms the human mind.
Mary Daly's Unholy Trinity

Mary Daly's Unholy Trinity

This is for teachers who are teaching A Level developments in Christian thought. This lesson is for the gender and theology section and is designed to understand Mary Daly’s criticism of Christianity.
What is Liberation Theology

What is Liberation Theology

This is designed for teachers who are teaching Liberation Theology and Marxism as part of the developments on Christian Thought module at A Level.
Is the UK Christian or Secular? Lesson 6

Is the UK Christian or Secular? Lesson 6

This is for teachers teaching the challenge of secularism in the module developments in Christian Thought. It focusses on understanding whether the UK is currently Christian or Secular and what the future might hold.